Justin's final radio show, recorded for Big L, will be broadcast
102.3 HFM on
Sunday 23rd January at 6pm
It is with the deepest sadness that
we announce the death of HFM presenter Paul May, known to radio listeners as
Justin Case.
Paul had been suffering from severe lung problems for many
months. His condition worsened recently and he was admitted to hospital during
the holiday period. Despite the best efforts of the medical team, Paul lost his
battle with the desease.
Know mainly as the Man of Metal for his unparralled knowledge of
Heavy Rock and Metal, Paul had been with HFM since its' inception in the
When the station became full time, Paul presented Metal Mayhem
throughout the night on alternate Fridays. His music was not for the faint
hearted! Despite his main love being Metal, he actually played all kinds of
music and presented many types of show, including
HFMs Programme Director, Chris Jones, knew Paul for over 30
years and his words echo the sentiments of all who knew him; 'In all the
time I knew Paul, I never had a cross word with him. He was cheerful, helpful
and always positive.'
Paul had also recently broadcast on Pipeline Radio and BIG L
1395 AM
Our condolences go to Pauls wife,
Ann, and his friends and family.
He will be sorely missed.

Without you mate I would never have acheived my
ambition of being on the radio, done some amazing stuff and met some very nice
people who have become really good friends. It's all down to you mate and I will
never forget you.
Hope they like heavy metal on Heaven FM, if
they don't I'm sure they soon
Rest In Peace mate
Simon Parry - Webmaster,
Continue to Justin's
Rock Reviews

Last updated
: 22nd January 2011

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